Monitoring Policies - updated January 30, 2025
Even if you do not monitor, it is imperative for you to know the procedures in the event you suddenly find yourself in the monitor position in order to keep the club open. Please read through the below information. There is a copy available at the monitors desk for review also.
This guide was designed to help you monitor successfully. Monitoring is extremely important to the Clay Corner. We could not have a club without monitors. When you monitor, you represent the Clay Corner to everyone who walks through that door. This guide will help you know what to do in most situations, but remember, when in doubt, ask another club member for help. EVERY member has been trained in how to monitor, so you are never alone.
Enjoy yourself and happy monitoring!
(Two monitors must be present to keep club open. However, if there is just one monitor on duty, a member may act as an additional monitor so the club remains open. Club is NOT allowed to remain open if there is only one person in the building. You must clean up and process the END OF DAY DUTIES on page 3 and leave the Club. If there are two monitors in the evening, you stay until your shift is over at 8:00 p.m. even if there are no members in the club. The doors in rooms 2, 3 and 4 may be locked toward end of day if members are sparse or a monitor feels insecure.)
1.The club is unlocked every morning by a member of the kiln team or a member who has volunteered for that specific duty. If the club is not open when you get there, call one of the emergency numbers posted in the front window.
2. Put the “WELCOME” sign out so that it can be seen from the parking lot.
3. Sign in book is kept at the front desk. Mark today’s date, your RCSC number, and sign in. Turn on the computer.
4. Enter your monitoring hours in the “Hours Earned” book. If it’s not in the book, it didn’t happen.
5. MONEY IN THE CASH BOX IS FOR MAKING CHANGE ONLY! The cash box is kept in the tall cabinet. Count the cash. There should be $75.00 in paper and coins. If there is a discrepancy, mark it in the y/n column. Count the cash at the beginning and end of your shift. Keep Cash Box in the cabinet when not at the desk and lock cabinet. Key should be left in drawer during your shift.
6. DAILY SALES SHEET: AM shift make the daily sheet. One sales sheet per day. DO NOT CUT. All monies collected on your shift are to be recorded in the appropriate columns.
7. Complete the duty acknowledgment Sheet
8. Count and record the number of blocks and boxes of clay at the beginning of the first shift of the day and enter the results on the daily sales sheet. There is also clay stored in room 4.
9. Start a new envelope for your shift. On the outside put names of all monitors, the date and the shift. Keep the envelope with your sales in the cash box.
10. Make coffee.
11. Call the next day’s monitors to remind them of their shifts with the Club phone. This information is on the calendar kept by the back door. If you can’t read the phone number, look it up on their hours page. Place a check mark on each name when you complete the call. Make sure cell phone is plugged in and charged up. Code to unlock phone is on back of phone.
12. Shifts are 8-12, 12-4, and 4-8 Monday- Saturday. 8-12,12-4 Sundays
13. Check drying racks in all 4 rooms, for dry towels. Fold the dirty/dry ones and put in the rolling containers.
14. Unlock the doors in Rooms, 2,3,4.
15. Monitors are required to monitor first and attend to assigned duties before and while working on personal projects. Be prepared to help as needed. All monitors must share duties. One monitor should always be at the front desk. Glaze room should be checked every 15 minutes or so while the members are glazing. Every member glazing must have an orange glaze slip. YOU MAY NOT USE GLAZE ROOM TO GLAZE while monitoring. If there are more than two monitors on duty, one monitor must stay in the glaze room when members are working there. Monitors may rotate working in glaze room. Monitor on duty in glaze room may work on their project if there is room at a tall table only. NO working on the Wheel while monitoring. If you are the only monitor on duty, you may NOT work on your personal project. You must stay aware of the number of members in the Club and be prepared to lock up and perform the END OF DAY DUTIES in the event you are suddenly alone.
16. Welcome everyone who comes into the club and have them sign in. Show potential buyers the Gift Shop areas, including the yard art in and outside. Be ready to help and answer questions.
17. Visitors should be offered a tour of our facility. Visitors must be accompanied by a member or monitor. Briefly explain what we do. There is a sheet that explains our class schedule to give anyone that is interested in becoming a member.
18. Make rounds of club from time to time. Keep areas tidy. If someone leaves a mess, ask them to clean it up. Any mess left behind becomes the monitors’ responsibility.
19. When answering the phone say, “Clay Corner, this is (name), how may I help you?” Our phone number is 623-273-6917.
20. INCIDENT REPORT: If there is an accident, injury, sudden illness, property damage, or other notable incident, after taking appropriate measures (calling 911, etc.) fill out an incident report and notify one of the board members. These forms are located in the top draw of the file cabinet.
21. TRANSACTIONS: Purchases must be recorded in the correct column of the sales sheet. No $20.00 bills acceptable for glaze.
22. FIRING: Pink slips are used for work in progress, blue slips are used for first firing, and orange slips are used for High Fire pieces. Make sure and staple pink slip to the blue low fire slip. Check hours book to make sure member is up to date on hours.
23. CLAY PURCHASES: All clay purchases need to be recorded in Clay purchase book, located at monitor desk with member name/date/clay type. Also, please record on daily sales sheet. You need to mark the block of clay with member name/date/paid on each block sold. Members must have current hours to buy clay. Glazes purchased by quarter cup/half cup/cup, are also recorded in this book under glaze tab.
24. OUTSIDE SALES: All outside sales must be recorded on the daily sales sheet under the other misc. column. With the name of the person submitting the outside sale. It is also recorded in the Clay/glaze/outside sale book.
25. CLASSES: members can sign up for classes at the back of the first room. Interested members should sign up on the posted sheet and bring sheet up to pay monitor immediately by check only (payable to Clay Corner), for the exact amount. A separate check is required for each class or trip. NO CASH. NO REFUNDS for class fees. There will be an envelope for each class at the bottom of the cash box. It will have the name of the class and teacher on the envelope. Place check in the envelope, put the member’s name and check number on the outside of the envelope. Do not seal the envelope. Return it to the bottom of the cash box.
26. Payments for classes, trips, membership pr raffle tickets DO NOT go on the sales sheet.
27. GUEST: A guest that wants to work with clay must be escorted by a Clay Corner member. Guests must sign in (the last page of the sign in book) and pay the $2.50 RCSC guest fee, each time they come to Club. They also must wear a guest nametag. Guests with rec card, privilege card, punch card or daily pass do not have to pay the additional fee. Guest may not operate any equipment unless Member is supervising. Guest may visit the club and work six times in a year.
28. Begin closing and cleaning 60 minutes prior to the end of your shift. DON’T UNPLUG COFFEE POT, unplug hair dryers, and wax pan. Wax remains in pan. Clean kitchen area and put all food products away. Clean all sinks and surrounding area. Clean wedging tables, wires, cutting boards, mallets and countertops. Put away all tools left out by members. Members should clean up after themselves, but when they don’t it becomes your job as a monitor. Collect all wet towels and put them on the drying racks. Total out cash sheet, make sure columns are added up. Count money in the cash box and envelope. Envelope amount should match the cash sheet. NOTE: It is OK to replace smaller bills from your daily envelope to replace large bills in the petty cash.
29. Lock the tall Monitor cabinet. Put key in hiding place.
30. Count clay and note on daily cash sheet.
31. Check all doors to make sure they are locked.
32. Check to be sure computer is off.
33. Bring in sign. Turn off fans and turn off lights. Lock the door if you are the last person in the room.
34. Leave Monitor Tag at Club.
35. Sign up for duty on the monitor calendar. If for some reason you are not able to come in, be sure to come in and remove your name from that spot. ALL shifts for the month must be covered by two members before a third member signs up for any shift. THE ONLY EXCEPTIONS IS IF YOU ARE MONITORING AS A NEW MEMBER FOR THE FIRST OR SECOND TIME.
36. New members will sign up with a monitor trainer the first two times you monitor. New members shall not work on personal projects for the first 3 months or 6 times they monitor so they can get a good feel for the job.
37. Monitors must wear MONITOR tags while working.
38. New Members are required to monitor at least two months before being allowed to join a committee. (12 months for Yard Art Committee.)
39. Monitor cabinet is maintained by the monitors on all shifts. If a member wants something from the cabinet, it is the monitor’s responsibility to get the items needed for the member. Items removed for member use from the cabinet, should be returned by the end of your shift or noted for the next monitor shift.
40. Sprig molds are on the shelves behind the monitor if they are used the monitor should make sure they are cleaned when the members return them to the shelf.
Hours may be banked during the summer months May, June, July and August. Use banked hours November through April.
NOTE: All unused banked hours expire at the end of April and do not carry over to Fall.
As always, if you have questions, please contact a Board Member.